The Multitude of Madonna greeting cards are starting to sell like hotcakes thanks all

The Multitude of Madonna greeting cards are starting to sell like hotcakes thanks all, getting some more calendars printed as well

Signed the BAT at #strawhatpress we are edition ing now and someone has already placed dubs on 1 of the 12

Signed the BAT at #strawhatpress we are editioning now and someone has already placed dubs on 1 of the 12.!

iphone self portrait bamboo series

#iphone #self portrait #bamboo forest


"The Annunciation"

         See Rose M Barron’s photo series “Multitude of Madonnas”                            “The Annunciation”   Whats Old is New: Rose M Barron Writes About the Influences for her Modern Madonnas in “Multitude of Madonnas” at whitespec If the art markets are […]